注意 Linode 每个月的 1 号把上个月所用的费用出一次账单。所以不要再问为什么,我上个月 remove 了这个月还扣费,还给我发账单 这种傻问题。账单是你上个月的所用的费用。
包括你不停的 add, remove, add, remove 的费用。Linode 按小时计费,折算成月是五美金或十美金。但只要你开了(add),不管你用没用,启动没启动,用了 1 秒还是 59 分钟,都是按一小时算。
During the process of selecting the linodes with an available ip, you must have added many linodes for tests. Before these linodes get removed, the billing is still working on. Every single Linode counts one hour at least.($0.0075/hr)
There are three ways to stop or cancel the billing:
- 1)Remove all the linodes from the linode list.
- 2) Revise your credit card number to be a wrong one. for example, revise the last number and update it.
- 3) Cancel the account. At the bottom of the page "Linodes" list. Don't say you cannot find it. If so, get a magnifier.
Usually Remove all the linodes should be okay.
If you're still worry about that, revise your credit card.
If you hate it, cancel the account.
That's it!
半年多没用 LINODE 了,把 VPS 都删除了,但是今天突然收到银行的扣费短信,先是一条 5 美金的,接着又是一条 100 美金的扣费短信,不知道什么情况,现在发了 TICKET,还没回复,请教一下
可以想像料神写这一篇博客的心情 :surprised:
,公司现在可以上外网了,不用自己花钱了,上个月 20 多号 remove 掉的,月初收到的账单 4 快多美金,猜到可能是上个月的,因为少用了几天,不过也没去核实,想说如果下个月还有账单就要查查问题了